Before I go anywhere I always like to lay everything out on the floor. This way I can double check I have everything I need, and re-evaluate what I should and shouldn’t bring along.
This is ‘almost’ everything I’m bringing. Some items I don’t have yet (like bug repellent spray and some other small odds and ends) but the big stuff is all here.

Garbage bag
Tire pump
Chamois cream (for saddle sores)
Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, chap stick, etc)
Repair kit (allen wrenches, tire levers, etc)
Tire tube
Freeze-dried meals (just add water and cook!)
Large water bottle (goes in the pannier)
Smaller water bottles (go in the bottle holders on the frame)
Toilet paper (when you gotta go, you gotta go!)
Duct tape (always useful!)
Little knife & wrench
Camping stove (I need to buy fuel in Albany since I can’t fly with it)
Tailight (front light not shown)
Bluetooth keyboard for blogging
Mosquito netting
Battery charger (holds 2 full phone charges)
Metal camping/cooking mug
Sleeping pad
Ear warmers (when you have big ears like me these are a necessity!)
Rain jacket
Sleeping bag
Towel (always travel with a towel!)
Warm wool hat
Shirts, shorts, underwear, socks
Rear Panniers (everything fits in these!)
Long bike pants (for chilly mornings)
Cable lock
Rear bike rack bag